
Where To Use Sherwin Williams Hammered Silver Paint


Sherwin-Williams Hammered Silver - 2840 / #978a7f Hex Color Code

#978a7f Paint ChipThe hexadecimal colour lawmaking #978a7f is a shade of orange. In the RGB color model #978a7f is comprised of 59.22% crimson, 54.12% green and 49.viii% blue. In the HSL color space #978a7f has a hue of 27° (degrees), x% saturation and 55% lightness. This colour has an estimate wavelength of 581.92 nm.

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Color Variations

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: greyness
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: gray

Related Named Colors

  • Closely Related

    1. Silver-grey (Ginnezumi)
    2. Stone Terrace
    3. Middle grey
    4. Cinereous
    5. Beaver
  • Intermediately Related

    1. Tiffany Blue
    2. Maximum xanthous red
    3. Nighttime jump greenish
    4. Amethyst
      #9966cc / #96c
    5. Bright lavender
  • Distantly Related

    1. Rich black (FOGRA39)
    2. Rich blackness (FOGRA29)
    3. Vampire black
    4. Dark Navy
    5. Cetacean blue

Colour Schemes

Download: GIMP GPL Adobe ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) Sketch Palette

Monochromatic Colors

  1. #7c7065
  2. #85796e
  3. #8e8176
  4. #978a7f
  5. #a09388
  6. #a99c91
  7. #b2a599

Tints and Shades

#978a7f to white

  1. #978a7f
  2. #a89d93
  3. #b9b0a8
  4. #cac3bd
  5. #dbd7d3
  6. #edebe9
  7. #ffffff / #fff

#978a7f to blackness

  1. #978a7f
  2. #7c7269
  3. #625a53
  4. #4a443f
  5. #322e2b
  6. #1c1b19
  7. #000000 / #000


Exact Matching Paints

  • Hammered Silver - 2840


Similar Paints

  1. Resene

    1. ★ Double Perfect Taupe BR66-015-065
      #988b80 ΔE = 0.385 / LRV ≈ 26.7%
    2. Heirloom BR67-023-066
      #9d8b7c ΔE = two.409 / LRV ≈ 27.i%
  2. Vista Paint

    1. ★ One-time English Castle
      #978b80 ΔE = 0.457 / LRV ≈ 26.6%
    2. Antigua Rose
      #988577 ΔE = 2.768 / LRV ≈ 24.8%
  3. Berger

    1. ★ Onetime English language Castle / 8760
      #978b80 ΔE = 0.457 / LRV ≈ 26.6%
    2. Utility Wear / 8464
      #989081 ΔE = 3.158 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
  4. Scib Paints

    1. ★ Quondam English Castle / 8760
      #978b80 ΔE = 0.457 / LRV ≈ 26.six%
    2. Utopia / 8752
      #90817b ΔE = 4.039 / LRV ≈ 23.1%
  5. Olympic

    1. ★ Eiffel Tower D17-four
      #988c81 ΔE = 0.767 / LRV ≈ 27.0%
    2. Antiquarian Silver D31-4
      #908d8b ΔE = 4.838 / LRV ≈ 26.8%
  6. Ressource Peintures

    1. ★ Taupe Glacé / I11
      #988c80 ΔE = 0.888 / LRV ≈ 27.0%
    2. Gris Chaud / I23
      #96938a ΔE = 4.396 / LRV ≈ 29.ii%
  7. Wattyl

    1. ★ Wild Yukon / A47W
      #988b82 ΔE = i.007 / LRV ≈ 26.8%
    2. Colorbond Bushland ® / A84W
      #8c897c ΔE = 3.977 / LRV ≈ 24.9%
  8. New Look

    1. ★ Euro Way / B09-07
      #988b82 ΔE = i.007 / LRV ≈ 26.8%
    2. ★ Magic Coin / A01-03
      #92897f ΔE = i.554 / LRV ≈ 25.5%
  9. Devoe Pigment

    1. ★ Arrow Wood / 10YY 27/060
      #978b7e ΔE = 1.022 / LRV ≈
    2. Pictured Rocks / 10YR 28/072
      #9f8b84 ΔE = 3.345 / LRV ≈ 27.5%
  10. Tikkurila

    1. ★ 562X
      #9b8c80 ΔE = 1.186 / LRV ≈ 27.3%
    2. N497 / Clay
      #8f8d83 ΔE = iii.867 / LRV ≈ 26.v%
  11. Zoffany

    1. ★ Pheasant
      #98887e ΔE = ane.271 / LRV ≈ 25.8%
    2. Fig Grey
      #908882 ΔE = 2.801 / LRV ≈ 25.1%
  12. Asian Paints

    1. ★ English language Castle / 8760
      #968c83 ΔE = i.381 / LRV ≈ 26.9%
    2. Wild Due west / 8768
      #a09186 ΔE = two.932 / LRV ≈ 29.4%
  13. Tollens

    1. ★ TF265-three
      #9a8d80 ΔE = one.405 / LRV ≈ 27.5%
    2. T2152-4
      #99928d ΔE = 4.134 / LRV ≈ 29.iii%
  14. Porter Paints

    1. ★ Eiffel Belfry / 521-v
      #9a8e83 ΔE = 1.493 / LRV ≈ 27.ix%
    2. Gravity / ATC-80
      #8d857f ΔE = 3.414 / LRV ≈ 24.0%
  15. General Paint

    1. ★ Hazel Hurdle / CL 2874D
      #9a8c7e ΔE = 1.527 / LRV ≈ 27.1%
    2. Yanez / CL 2835D
      #9e8d78 ΔE = four.567 / LRV ≈ 27.7%
  16. Sto

    1. ★ 32232
      #9a897c ΔE = 1.539 / LRV ≈ 26.2%
    2. 33132
      #948a88 ΔE = 4.201 / LRV ≈ 26.3%
  17. Caparol

    1. ★ 1353
      #988c84 ΔE = one.554 / LRV ≈ 27.1%
    2. 3905-Y33R
      #a09484 ΔE = 4.235 / LRV ≈ thirty.3%
  18. Pascol

    1. ★ Dusky Rock PO120
      #95867a ΔE = 1.601 / LRV ≈ 24.8%
  19. Crown Diamond

    1. ★ 7372-52 Fur Muff
      #9c8b81 ΔE = 1.669 / LRV ≈ 27.ane%
    2. 7371-52 Ibex
      #958680 ΔE = 2.787 / LRV ≈ 25.0%
  20. Behr

    1. ★ Coco Shadow PPPF-five
      #9a8c84 ΔE = ane.735 / LRV ≈ 27.3%
    2. Ironwood C40-xx
      #9e8b85 ΔE = 3.418 / LRV ≈ 27.4%
  21. Coronado Pigment

    1. ★ 8768 - Faded Beige
      #9d8c80 ΔE = ane.748 / LRV ≈ 27.5%
    2. ★ 8760 - Old English Castle
      #92867a ΔE = one.767 / LRV ≈ 24.6%
  22. Laura Ashley

    1. ★ fifteen-2 Smoke 2
      #9c8e81 ΔE = 1.803 / LRV ≈ 28.0%
    2. 115 Ironwood
      #a3948d ΔE = 4.591 / LRV ≈ xxx.9%
  23. Valspar Pigment

    1. ★ Olive Grayness
      #998981 ΔE = 1.821 / LRV ≈ 26.two%
    2. Empire
      #8c8173 ΔE = 4.073 / LRV ≈ 22.five%
  24. Opulence

    1. ★ Dark Truffle
      #94857b ΔE = 1.938 / LRV ≈ 24.5%
  25. Benjamin Moore

    1. ★ Stardust / 2108-forty / Revolutionary Storm / CW-155
      #928679 ΔE = ane.964 / LRV ≈ 24.v%
    2. Kingsport Gray / HC-86
      #958775 ΔE = 3.306 / LRV ≈ 25.0%
  26. Farrow & Brawl

    1. ★ Charleston Greyness / 243
      #988879 ΔE = 2.040 / LRV ≈
  27. Pratt & Lambert

    1. ★ Durango 33-24
      #948879 ΔE = two.084 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
    2. Durability 29-22
      #8c877f ΔE = iii.386 / LRV ≈ 24.4%
  28. Sigma

    1. ★ Orange Terra / S 5005-Y50R
      #90887e ΔE = 2.085 / LRV ≈ 25.0%
    2. Warm Ruddy / 6325 B
      #918a83 ΔE = 2.531 / LRV ≈ 25.8%
  29. Sherwin-Williams

    1. ★ Elephant Ear - 9168
      #988f85 ΔE = 2.127 / LRV ≈ 28.0%
    2. Sycamore Tan - 2855
      #9c8a79 ΔE = 2.992 / LRV ≈ 26.half dozen%
  30. Graham & Brown

    1. ★ Seneca Stone
      #9c8c7d ΔE = 2.128 / LRV ≈ 27.iii%
    2. Fluffy Bunny
      #9f9289 ΔE = 3.253 / LRV ≈ 29.vii%
  31. Dulux

    1. ★ Rich Praline 3
      #9e8c7f ΔE = 2.143 / LRV ≈ 27.6%
    2. ★ 20YY 29/095
      #998c7c ΔE = two.274 / LRV ≈ 27.0%
  32. Pantone / PMS

    1. ★ 403
      #998f82 ΔE = two.167 / LRV ≈ 28.0%
    2. 416
      #8c8a7a ΔE = 4.796 / LRV ≈ 25.2%
  33. ICI Paints

    1. ★ Tomorrow'southward Taupe 90YR 29/096
      #988679 ΔE = 2.178 / LRV ≈ 25.ane%
    2. Befouled Swallow 30YY thirty/106
      #988b79 ΔE = 3.054 / LRV ≈ 26.v%
  34. Sikkens

    1. ★ F2.ten.l
      #978a7a ΔE = ii.199 / LRV ≈ 26.2%
    2. G8.10.50
      #8e8a79 ΔE = 4.431 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
  35. Colortrend

    1. ★ Bavarian
      #9d8b82 ΔE = two.203 / LRV ≈ 27.ii%
    2. 0575
      #8d8b82 ΔE = iii.895 / LRV ≈ 25.7%
  36. Plascon

    1. ★ Maison Blanche Y1-E2-one
      #9c9084 ΔE = 2.269 / LRV ≈ 28.7%
    2. Travertine O2-E2-1
      #a08884 ΔE = 5.156 / LRV ≈ 26.vii%
  37. Nerolac

    1. Harvest Time - 2901
      #9c8e7f ΔE = 2.301 / LRV ≈ 27.9%
    2. Umbertone - 2915
      #8a8074 ΔE = iv.336 / LRV ≈ 22.i%
  38. Kelly-Moore

    1. Muffin Mix / KM4173-2
      #9e8d84 ΔE = 2.325 / LRV ≈ 28.0%
    2. Greyswood / KM3958-iii
      #8f8579 ΔE = 2.520 / LRV ≈ 24.0%
  39. Matthews Paint

    1. Grayjay / 14176
      #999085 ΔE = two.406 / LRV ≈ 28.4%
    2. Modeling Clay / 10277
      #8a8176 ΔE = iv.078 / LRV ≈ 22.4%
  40. Ralph Lauren

    1. Soho / RLUL238
      #9b8f80 ΔE = ii.506 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
    2. Cairo Brown / RLVM2102
      #92826f ΔE = four.713 / LRV ≈ 23.two%
  41. Little Greene

    1. Dart
      #948777 ΔE = two.561 / LRV ≈ 25.0%
    2. Lead Colour
      #969183 ΔE = iii.776 / LRV ≈ 28.4%
  42. Toyo Ink

    1. CF10789
      #928c80 ΔE = ii.562 / LRV ≈ 26.four%
    2. CF10787
      #9c958f ΔE = iv.743 / LRV ≈ 30.5%
  43. Model Principal

    1. Model Principal 1794
      #989085 ΔE = 2.563 / LRV ≈ 28.iii%
    2. Model Master 2711
      #8e8a81 ΔE = three.230 / LRV ≈ 25.v%
  44. Ford

    1. Sahara Golden
      #90897c ΔE = ii.576 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
    2. Brazilian Statuary
      #927f78 ΔE = 4.655 / LRV ≈ 22.6%
  45. Cloverdale Paint

    1. Java n Foam / 8767
      #978577 ΔE = 2.596 / LRV ≈ 24.vii%
    2. Utility Wear / 8464
      #9b9284 ΔE = 3.334 / LRV ≈ 29.2%
  46. Earthpaint

    1. 5-12-5 Broil House
      #908678 ΔE = 2.609 / LRV ≈ 24.three%
    2. five-10-iv Suede
      #a3907d ΔE = 4.625 / LRV ≈ 29.2%
  47. British Standard

    1. BS 2660 BS ix-100 - Graphite
      #908a7e ΔE = 2.635 / LRV ≈ 25.6%
    2. BS 2660 BS ix-096 - Shire grey
      #95908c ΔE = 4.206 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
  48. Brillux

    1. 15.03.18
      #9a9088 ΔE = 2.646 / LRV ≈ 28.6%
    2. 18.06.xviii
      #9c908a ΔE = 3.271 / LRV ≈ 28.8%
  49. Audi

    1. Papyrus Met./Papyrus Metallic / LY6U
      #928c7f ΔE = ii.724 / LRV ≈ 26.four%
    2. Dakar Beige Metallic/Dakarbeige Metallic / 9X, 9X9X, LY1Q
      #988e7d ΔE = 3.123 / LRV ≈ 27.five%
  50. Vallejo Game Color

    1. Khaki (061)
      #9b8c7b ΔE = ii.740 / LRV ≈ 27.ii%
  51. Onetime Citadel

    1. Kommando Khaki
      #9b8c7b ΔE = two.740 / LRV ≈ 27.two%
  52. Reaper Master

    1. Terran Khaki (9122)
      #9b8c7b ΔE = 2.740 / LRV ≈ 27.2%
  53. Vallejo Model Color

    1. German Cam. Biscuit WWII (821)
      #9b8c7b ΔE = 2.740 / LRV ≈ 27.2%
  54. Dutch Boy

    1. Bedrock Neutral
      #8e877f ΔE = 2.777 / LRV ≈ 24.6%
    2. Khaki Tone
      #8e8775 ΔE = iv.326 / LRV ≈ 24.4%
  55. Humbrol

    1. 72 Khaki Drill
      #9c8f7f ΔE = ii.809 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
  56. Peintures MF

    1. Terrasse du temple
      #908b82 ΔE = ii.813 / LRV ≈ 26.0%
    2. Roche de granite
      #888783 ΔE = v.184 / LRV ≈ 24.2%
  57. Duron

    1. Anonymous
      #8e8679 ΔE = ii.901 / LRV ≈ 24.2%
    2. Library Pewter
      #91826f ΔE = 4.730 / LRV ≈
  58. Beckers

    1. Hampa 558 / S 4506-Y29R
      #938e84 ΔE = 2.913 / LRV ≈ 27.2%
    2. And 579 / 5007-Y15R
      #888576 ΔE = v.061 / LRV ≈ 23.3%
  59. Fired Earth

    1. Pumblechook
      #8d857c ΔE = 2.934 / LRV ≈ 23.9%
  60. Caran d'Ache

    1. 846 Raw Umber l%
      #a19084 ΔE = 2.947 / LRV ≈ 29.2%
  61. Diamond Vogel

    1. Sultry Castle / 0562
      #979088 ΔE = 2.956 / LRV ≈ 28.iii%
    2. Moonscape / 0227
      #90836f ΔE = iv.936 / LRV ≈ 23.three%
  62. Magnolia Dwelling

    1. Reclaimed Forest / JG-124
      #8e897f ΔE = 2.966 / LRV ≈ 25.2%
    2. Before & Subsequently / JG-146
      #918f89 ΔE = 4.274 / LRV ≈ 27.v%
  63. Abet Laminati

    1. Sahara Beige 1816
      #a08d7e ΔE = 2.971 / LRV ≈ 28.0%
    2. Grigio Autunno 1810
      #969488 ΔE = four.902 / LRV ≈ 29.iv%
  64. Brighto Paints

    1. 5-5-iv Brazil Nut
      #958376 ΔE = two.976 / LRV ≈ 23.9%
    2. v-fifteen-5 Elephant Walk
      #8f8e84 ΔE = 4.259 / LRV ≈ 26.ix%
  65. GM / General Motors

    1. Lite Autumnwood
      #988477 ΔE = 3.033 / LRV ≈ 24.5%
    2. Dawn Gray
      #8d847f ΔE = 3.788 / LRV ≈ 23.7%
  66. Sico

    1. 6179-42 Mountain Cat
      #a08d85 ΔE = 3.121 / LRV ≈ 28.two%
    2. 6180-52 Fried Rice
      #938784 ΔE = three.859 / LRV ≈ 25.two%
  67. Flügger

    1. Klassisk inde: Pilgrim (No.42)
      #908475 ΔE = 3.131 / LRV ≈ 23.7%
    2. Platingrå (U-731)
      #939087 ΔE = 3.813 / LRV ≈ 27.nine%
  68. Levis

    1. Atl Ombre E2
      #a18c82 ΔE = iii.153 / LRV ≈ 27.9%
    2. Shady Brown B50
      #9d948b ΔE = 3.863 / LRV ≈ thirty.2%
  69. Jotun

    1. 1500 / Grafittgrå
      #938e87 ΔE = 3.192 / LRV ≈ 27.three%
    2. 2500 / Krydder
      #8a7e74 ΔE = 4.744 / LRV ≈ 21.6%
  70. Teknos

    1. GBI124
      #948985 ΔE = 3.233 / LRV ≈ 25.ix%
    2. GBI051
      #978f8d ΔE = iv.602 / LRV ≈ 28.1%
  71. RAL

    1. RAL 7030 / Stone Gray
      #928e85 ΔE = 3.256 / LRV ≈ 27.2%
    2. RAL 1035 / Pearl Beige
      #908370 ΔE = iv.583 / LRV ≈ 23.3%
  72. Limestrong

    1. Plum Shade E
      #9b8e89 ΔE = 3.261 / LRV ≈ 28.1%
    2. Umber Shade F
      #9a9285 ΔE = 3.305 / LRV ≈ 29.1%
  73. Nihon Pigment

    1. Fall Ashes / NP North 1906 T
      #9c8983 ΔE = three.270 / LRV ≈ 26.half-dozen%
    2. Dormant Grayness / NP North 2043 T
      #94918a ΔE = 4.149 / LRV ≈ 28.four%
  74. Kansai Pigment

    1. Brick Stone
      #8e887a ΔE = 3.285 / LRV ≈ 24.8%
    2. Moorland
      #9a907b ΔE = 4.848 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
  75. Designers Guild

    1. Peat
      #998876 ΔE = 3.290 / LRV ≈ 25.7%
  76. Clark+Kensington

    1. At Your Leisure / WNCC-14
      #948a78 ΔE = 3.364 / LRV ≈ 25.8%
    2. Parador Stone / WNCC-13
      #908173 ΔE = 3.696 / LRV ≈ 22.9%
  77. KILZ

    1. Spiced Cocoa / G641
      #9d867a ΔE = 3.443 / LRV ≈ 25.half-dozen%
    2. Bohemian Earth / G651
      #8e8174 ΔE = 3.661 / LRV ≈ 22.vii%
  78. Alcro

    1. Titan Metallic
      #8d847e ΔE = 3.512 / LRV ≈
    2. Chai
      #9a968c ΔE = 4.969 / LRV ≈ 30.6%
  79. Krylon

    1. Pebble
      #9b9283 ΔE = three.523 / LRV ≈ 29.2%
  80. California Paints

    1. DE 6068 - Cobblestone Path
      #9e8779 ΔE = 3.540 / LRV ≈ 26.0%
    2. DE 6389 - Fallen Rock
      #8e8583 ΔE = 4.688 / LRV ≈ 24.ii%
  81. Dunn-Edwards

    1. Cobblestone Path / 884
      #9e8779 ΔE = iii.540 / LRV ≈ 26.0%
    2. Bison Beige / 899
      #9f9180 ΔE = 3.661 / LRV ≈ 29.2%
  82. Crown Pigment

    1. Chocolate Chaude
      #9e928b ΔE = three.582 / LRV ≈ 29.7%
    2. Biscuit Dark
      #9e918b ΔE = 3.644 / LRV ≈ 29.four%
  83. Volkswagen

    1. Taupe
      #8c8680 ΔE = 3.607 / LRV ≈ 24.2%
    2. Melange Beige
      #87827d ΔE = v.037 / LRV ≈ 22.6%
  84. Focoltone

    1. 5034
      #9e877f ΔE = iii.771 / LRV ≈
    2. 5000
      #948784 ΔE = three.879 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
  85. Glidden

    1. Elephant Gray / PPG1005-5
      #8d847f ΔE = 3.788 / LRV ≈ 23.7%
    2. Antique Silver / PPG1002-5
      #918e8c ΔE = 4.896 / LRV ≈ 27.iii%
  86. Chrysler

    1. Medallion Silver
      #8b887e ΔE = three.848 / LRV ≈ 24.6%
    2. Movie theater Gray
      #9e9484 ΔE = iv.253 / LRV ≈ xxx.1%
  87. Crayola

    1. Greyness
      #8b8680 ΔE = three.862 / LRV ≈
  88. ProMarker

    1. Warm Greyness 4
      #958178 ΔE = 3.870 / LRV ≈ 23.4%
  89. Opaltone / OMS

    1. 4160
      #a48d80 ΔE = 3.909 / LRV ≈ 28.5%
    2. 4152
      #a2968f ΔE = iv.957 / LRV ≈ 31.v%
  90. Dulux Australia

    1. Naval Greyness / G52
      #8d8b80 ΔE = 3.941 / LRV ≈ 25.vii%
    2. Slate / G21
      #989484 ΔE = 4.982 / LRV ≈ 29.v%
  91. Australian Standard AS2700

    1. N45 Koala Grey
      #928f89 ΔE = iii.998 / LRV ≈
    2. R44 Possum
      #a18880 ΔE = iv.386 / LRV ≈
  92. Sanderson

    1. Hindu
      #948f8b ΔE = 4.056 / LRV ≈ 27.8%
  93. PPG Pittsburgh Paints

    1. Frankfort 6946-ii
      #8b8174 ΔE = iv.080 / LRV ≈ 22.five%
    2. Kentuckiana Tan 6897-ane
      #a69789 ΔE = 5.232 / LRV ≈ 32.0%
  94. Taubmans

    1. Tobacco Leaf / T12 4.F12
      #a49080 ΔE = iv.101 / LRV ≈ 29.4%
    2. Quail Hollow / T10 35K-2
      #8b807b ΔE = four.750 / LRV ≈ 22.4%
  95. AMC

    1. Samoa Light Gold
      #8a8175 ΔE = 4.154 / LRV ≈ 22.four%
    2. Barcelona Medium Taupe
      #9b8987 ΔE = 4.776 / LRV ≈
  96. CIL

    1. Ominous
      #8f8a87 ΔE = 4.162 / LRV ≈ 25.eight%
    2. Noah's Ark
      #a28876 ΔE = five.171 / LRV ≈ 26.6%
  97. Marston & Langinger

    1. Mushroom
      #a29589 ΔE = 4.201 / LRV ≈ 31.0%
  98. Bristol

    1. Boulder Ridge / P198-N5
      #9f9484 ΔE = 4.229 / LRV ≈ 30.2%
    2. Asphalt / P197-N5
      #a09582 ΔE = 5.223 / LRV ≈ 30.6%
  99. Natural Colour Organisation / NCS

    1. Southward 4005-Y80R
      #9b837a ΔE = 4.261 / LRV ≈ 24.6%
    2. Southward 3502-R
      #a2948f ΔE = 4.977 / LRV ≈ xxx.8%
  100. Earthborn

    1. Muddy Boots
      #a69185 ΔE = four.270 / LRV ≈ 30.1%
  101. Dupont

    1. CAS836
      #939186 ΔE = 4.271 / LRV ≈ 28.ii%
    2. CAS788
      #9b8d8c ΔE = 5.062 / LRV ≈ 27.ix%
  102. ARO

    1. Blanc / 235
      #969180 ΔE = four.431 / LRV ≈ 28.iii%
  103. Mylands of London

    1. Pastel Green
      #908e7f ΔE = 4.471 / LRV ≈ 26.8%
    2. Fawn
      #937f76 ΔE = 4.471 / LRV ≈
  104. Federal Standard

    1. Federal Standard 30227
      #a38b7a ΔE = 4.511 / LRV ≈ 27.7%
    2. Federal Standard 20227
      #a38b78 ΔE = 5.010 / LRV ≈ 27.six%
  105. Albany Pigment

    1. Elephant
      #8d8c87 ΔE = 4.603 / LRV ≈ 26.2%
  106. Evonik-Degussa

    1. 4192T Ashwood
      #938380 ΔE = 4.612 / LRV ≈ 24.0%
    2. 4184T Harrison Grey
      #8f7f7b ΔE = v.220 / LRV ≈ 22.four%
  107. FolkArt

    1. Mauve Dust / 4661
      #998886 ΔE = 4.638 / LRV ≈ 26.ane%
    2. Butter Pecan / 939
      #a28d78 ΔE = 5.145 / LRV ≈ 28.1%
  108. Rodda Pigment

    1. Rain Barrel H113
      #a39688 ΔE = 4.684 / LRV ≈ 31.4%
  109. Para

    1. Cavern Clay / 407E
      #878078 ΔE = four.877 / LRV ≈ 21.ix%
  110. Martha Stewart Living

    1. Suede Grayness F16
      #8a8473 ΔE = 4.910 / LRV ≈ 23.1%
  111. ECOS Paints

    1. Fireplace Mantel (0569)
      #878074 ΔE = 4.952 / LRV ≈ 21.9%
    2. Bush Buck (0141)
      #a99288 ΔE = 5.216 / LRV ≈ 30.eight%
  112. Disney

    1. 4C-xx-3 Mickeys Shadow
      #908f8c ΔE = v.110 / LRV ≈ 27.5%
  113. Paint & Paper Library

    1. Rock V / Moleskin
      #9a9688 ΔE = 5.175 / LRV ≈ thirty.5%
    2. Opus
      #99968e ΔE = v.227 / LRV ≈ 30.five%

#978a7f HTML / CSS Code Examples

#978a7f foreground

Whether you succeed or non is irrelevant, there is no such matter. Making your unknown known is the important matter.

            <p way="color: #978a7f">…</p>          

#978a7f background

Information technology's not what you expect at that matters, it'due south what you see.

            <p fashion="background-colour: #978a7f">…</p>          

#978a7f shadow

Life is the art of cartoon without an eraser.

            <p fashion="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #978a7f">…</p>          

Color Charts

  • RGB


  • CMYK


  • RYB


Color Infinite Conversions

10010111, 10001010, 01111111
≈ 26.3%
Closest short hex
#987 ΔE = 2.599
rgb(151, 138, 127)
rgba(151, 138, 127, ane.0)
rg chromaticity
r: 0.363, g: 0.332, b: 0.305
red: 59.216%, yellow: 57.768%, blue: 49.804%
Android /
-6845825 / 0xff978a7f
hsl(27, 10%, 55%)
hsla(27, 10%, 55%, 1.0)
hue: 28° (27.500), saturation: sixteen% (0.159), value: 59% (0.592)
hue: 27.500, saturation: 15.894%, perceived effulgence: 55.230%
H: 49.549, S: 17.001, 50: 58.310
H: 23.127, Southward: 0.138, 50: 0.552
T: three.302, Due south: 0.040, Fifty: 0.552
cyan: 0% (0.000), magenta: 9% (0.086), yellow: xvi% (0.159), key: 41% (0.408)
cyan: 41% (0.408), magenta: 46% (0.459), xanthous: l% (0.502)
X: 25.682, Y: 26.289, Z: 23.796
x: 0.339, y: 0.347, Y: 26.289
L: 58.310, a: ii.941, b: 7.652
L: 58.310, u: 8.494, v: 9.963
Fifty: 58.310, C: 8.197, H: 68.977
50: 58.310, C: 13.093, H: 49.549
L: 51.273, a: -0.320, b: 8.374
J: 48.486, C: vii.626, h: 62.541, Q: 137.188, M: 6.668, s: 22.047, H: 57.468
lightness: -ten.045, jaune: one.067, green: -0.412
L: 26.249, G: 26.701, S: 23.836
Y: 136.805, Cb: 121.247, Cr: 134.488
Y: 138.500, Cg: -0.500, Co: 43.750
Y: 140.633, Db: -twenty.513, Dr: -19.716
Y: 139.977, Pb: -half dozen.995, Pr: 7.006
Y: 136.216, Cb: 121.855, Cr: 134.154
Y: 140.633, I: 11.278, Q: -0.674
Y: 140.633, U: -half-dozen.707, 5: 9.095
Munsell Colour System
5YR six/1 ΔE = iii.352
Brand Color
Wii ΔE = 9.556

Random Colors

  • #419e01
  • #895d42
  • #a52415
  • #b5f64e
  • #8502b2


  • #661c17
  • #de8e88
  • #d15129
  • #a14127
  • #e14742


  • #317840
  • #97e489
  • #186110
  • #8dc496
  • #3a772f


  • #575892
  • #6f81bd
  • #a1aeed
  • #666dab
  • #0c1d5f


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